👋 Hey there! I'm Rob Olsthoorn

Well, that's it.

Somehow you were curious enough to find my personal website. Thanks. I'm glad you're here.
Here's a slice of who I am and what I think about. I hope it's what you came here for.
Love, Rob

Early life

  • Born in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands - my parents moved me to Boca Raton, Florida where I grew up. I was not Jewish.
  • Sold candy in middle school, fireworks to friends, and used toys to my siblings - not the most admirable.
  • Went to the University of Florida. Studied computer engineering, tried to start my first company, Bartertown (ended)
  • Made it out of the swamp, by working at Microsoft - then later Nextdoor under the KP Eng '17 fellows program

Later on

  • Built software for realtors at Nextdoor to sell homes
  • YC W20 - Started my second company, Laguna. Learned a lot. Built cool things.
  • Spent time designing the future of work with dOrg, a crypto based self-organizing work group a DAO. Brought in ~$500k to the org.
  • Went from 0-$1.5M in GMV for Whatnot NFTs. Led projects on our non-live selling marketplace


  • Enjoying life. Very excited about Voice AI and automotive business opportunities
  • Learning about the world
  • Twitter
  • Instagram



If we're all just LLMs, here's my training data: